Comments for Paradise Found
Have you used Paradise Found before and want to share your expericence? Add a comment!
Jeremy says:
2013-08-17 19:27:26

I pity the man who wrote the review above. He obviously was not prepared for some of the hottest girls I've ever seen in syracuse ny! The happy hour drink specials were $3 a piece till 10 pm. All the dancers I've done private suites with we're unbelievable n I was more than satisfied. The man above sounds like one if those guys that goes to a restaurant, orders a steak, eats almost all of it, the... view full comment
Ben says:
2012-11-11 04:13:02

This club is horrible. They offer you a refund policy that is almost impossible to enforce. You won't know if the service is satisfactory until you use it, however once you use it, you cannot claim a refund. So the girl can be attractive, give unsatisfactory service and you're then screwed. Considering they basically con you into a 300 dollar service at the door that you prepay. The girls are rush... view full comment
ND says:
2013-09-16 01:24:45
Went there on A Sunday night, and waited for forty five minutes for a lap dance, Had to have the bartender hunt down a girl. Most of the girls totally ignored me. Won't be going back!